8 Email Call to Actions for Your Weekly Emails

You want to send consistent emails to your list. But, what exactly are you supposed to say? And where do you direct your audience? Every email you write should have a call to action. Unfortunately, what most people miss is that these CTAs don’t need to be sales based.

I talk to my audience and clients a lot about nurture-based emails and building up to sales, but they feel lost on what to tell their audience when they aren’t pitching a sale. What they are really lost on though is what the call to action should be.

Before I dive into the CTAs, these are the three general email types I always recommend sending:

🤗 Nurture - This is customer focused. You are nurturing the relationship and community. In these emails, there is no expectation of return. You can position yourself as a trusted source in these emails.

📈 Build - These emails are leading up to an income-generating email. They may be used to identify audience struggles or point out their struggles (so you can offer a solution in the future). 

💸 Income-generating - These are those “hey, buy this!” type emails. You are specifically selling something and working to generate income.

A lot of times these categories cross paths. They are not completely independent of each other. But for the sake of simplicity, I am putting things into categories. We like boxes. Boxes make sense! 

Here are ten email CTAs that you can use for every step in the customer journey -

#1 Long form Content

Type: 🤗 Nurture

Anytime you make a blog post, YouTube video, podcast episode…you name it - you want to promote it in your emails. This is an easy way to nurture your list because you’re giving them free information, positioning yourself as an expert, and earning their trust! Plus, you’re already making the content. Might as well get eyes on it!

Example language: Read the Blog on 5 Must-Have Resources, Listen to Ep.89 of the Podcast

#2 Social Media Post

Type: 🤗 Nurture

I don’t recommend sharing every post you make inside your emails, but I still love this call to action. First of all, repurposing content is a time-saving life hack we all need more of. Second, sometimes you have a TikTok or IG post that people really resonate with - why not share it with your list? I also recommend expanding on the social post or adding it as an afterthought at the end.

Example language: Want to know more? Check out this post., Watch the Tutorial on Tiktok

#3 Freebie

Type: 🤗 Nurture

If you make a new freebie, share it with your list! Everyone loves free things, and your audience will appreciate you passing it along. In fact, I’d pass it along more than once. You might have a seasonal freebie you bring up once a year, or an evergreen freebie you can bring out a few times a year.

Example language: Download the Free Guide, Get Your Hands on the Free Resource

#4 Survey

Type: 📈 Build

Sometimes we have no idea what our audience wants from us (or who they even are). Doing a survey is a great way to get a pulse on your list, and also test the waters for an upcoming promotion. Make sure these surveys are short (less than 5 questions), and you can even incentivize people to take it (I’ll pick 5 people to win a Starbucks gift card).

Example language: Take the 3 Question Survey, Tell Me About Yourself!

#5 Waitlist

Type:  📈 Build

What better way to hype up a new offer (and do some market research) than with a waitlist! You can create a waitlist through your email platform or a form. Either way, make sure you talk about an upcoming offer and maybe even create a little suspense or urgency around the waitlist.

Example language: Join the Wailist for a Special Offer, Be the First to Enter: Join the Waitlist!

#6 Question

Type: 📈 Build 

This is something simple you can throw into about every single email you write: ask people questions. Particularly, ask them questions about themselves. This is great for several reasons. A) It gives you the chance to interact and better know your customers. B) It increases your email engagement. You can simply put this question at the end of your email.

Example language: Hit reply and tell me…., Respond to this email and tell me…

#7 Promotion

Type: 💸 Income-generating

We all love making money, but let me warn you… If you jump right to promoting without nurturing (and possibly building), you might be in for a tough crowd. You have been warned. This is a simple one - promotion is pitching a product, service, course, etc. With a promotion, things are not on sale (as in, not at a discount).

Example language: Learn More about…., Book a Discovery Call, Check Out….

#8 Sale

Type: 💸 Income-generating

This is very similar to the promotion email, except now things are on sale and at a discount. With this type of email and call to action, you want to instill some urgency and get people to act now.

Example language: Get the ____ Now, I Need This, Grab the ____ Now!

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    Hey, I’m Branda! I write email and website copy for female entrepreneurs who want personality-packed, nurture focused copy. Let’s make your copy something people want to read.


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