4 Must-Read Books About Email Marketing

If you’ve been wanting to learn more about email marketing, but have no idea where to begin - this is your cue. Even if you are an experienced copywriter, or have been writing emails for a while, there is lots of value in these books about email marketing.

In fact, I read all of these after becoming a copywriter and working with clients for a full year. They reinforced a lot of things I knew, and even taught me some new things as well.

Without further adieu, here’s four books about email marketing that you need to read -

#1 Email Marketing that Doesn’t Suck by Bobby Klink

This is one of those books that ran wild on my Instagram feed a while back, and I refused to read it. Sounds weird - but he was giving copies away for free at the time, and it just seemed like a big sales scheme. Could it really be good?

Um, yes. Actually, this is one of those books that made me nod my head the whole way through. Bobby’s philosophy on email marketing  - the idea that it’s about building connections - was exactly what I tried to preach to my clients.

If you want a book that helps you write real, authentic emails, and stresses the importance of seeing it as a platform for connection, then read this book.

#2 300 Email Marketing Tips by Meera Kothand

If you are new to email marketing, this is a great book to start with. The chapters are easy to read, and it gives a brisk overview of the important elements of email marketing. 

Even as an experienced copywriter, there are some great nuggets of information, interesting statistics, and reminders about email writing.

#3 Email Marketing Mastery by Tom Corson-Knowles

This is another great book for beginners who are at the very beginning of their journey. If you’re not sure which email provider to start with, what the heck a landing page is, or how to start attracting people to your email list - start with this book.

I will say that this book is older in that some of the email marketing platforms he mentions have grown a lot since this book was written. But the basics of email marketing and terminology are all still applicable to today.

#4 Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller

While this book isn’t directly related to email marketing, it does tie into your email marketing plan. Miller does a great job of talking about customer wants, desires, transformation, and more. He talks you through how to create a storybrand for your business to help you connect with customers - and ultimately generate sales.

This will tie in perfectly to your email marketing plan because without a true understanding of your customers, your emails will be a hit-or-miss with your audience. You want to form connections and understanding with your subscribers, and that starts with an understanding of who they are - and how you help them.

Ready to start planning your emails? The biggest struggle I see business owners make is trying to wait until the last minute to write their emails. AKA - the email was supposed to go out yesterday.

The biggest favor you can do yourself, and your subscribers, is to plan intentionally and batch write. Having an easy way to plan your emails makes the process smoother.

Download my free email planner and map out an email plan for yourself. This is the exact planner I use in my own business, and it helps me stay ahead and deliver quality content every month!

Hey, I’m Branda! I write email and website copy for female entrepreneurs who want personality-packed, nurture focused copy. Let’s make your copy something people want to read.


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I’m currently accepting new clients for email marketing and website copy.


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