5 Must-Have Tools for Writing Content for Your Business

If you ever sit down to write content for the month and feel totally stumped, you aren’t alone. Even as a full-time copywriter, there are days when the writing doesn’t flow easily out of me. Luckily, having a great tech stack can make the process easier. I want to share some of my favorite tools for writing blogs, emails, social posts, and more!

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On days when I am really struggling to get the job done, I turn to Pomofocus. This is a pomodoro timer that follows a 25 minutes on, 5 minutes off repetition.

I use the pomodoro timer multiple times a week, particularly with tasks that I dread. It’s seriously become one of my favorite tools for writing. Having a set time limit to accomplish something is sometimes the best motivation. Don’t want to write that email? Put in the work for 25 minutes, and then be done with it!

organization tools for writing

📁 Organization

While I organize all of my content in Google Drive, I have two other tech pieces I use to organize my content plan and the tasks I need to complete to make it happen. These tools for writing will keep you on top of your task list and help you stay on track.

Monday.com* is my go-to spot for organizing my tasks and staying on top of my content. I can assign myself tasks like writing a blog, posting on social media, and so on. I really like Monday* because it’s very visual. I always felt like other platforms were either too messy, or you had to dig around to find information about the task. Not in Monday!

Another tool for writing I have been using for years is Airtable. I have my entire content calendar inside of Airtable. This is where I jot down my ideas, plan out my content, and even keep key info like images and captions.

You can get a copy of my Airtable content calendar for free!

tools for writing

✍️ Writing Tools

Of course, if you’re going to be writing content, you need some specific tools for writing to make the process smoother. Google Docs are my favorite for drafting content, but its editing capabilities are limited.

For editing, I turn to Grammarly. I have a plug-in for Google Docs, so as I write, I can check my grammar, punctuation, and wording. I’m not super concerned about my tone, but I do want to ensure that the content I put out there is grammatically correct, clear, and concise. (Look, I’m even editing with Grammarly right now!)

Another big part of writing content is SEO, especially when writing blogs. Ubersuggest is my favorite tool for writing SEO-rich content. Not only can you use Ubersuggest for keyword ideas, but you can also find common questions people ask, evaluate your website’s SEO, and find backlink opportunities.

I hope this list of tools for writing helps! As a full-time copywriter, I often spend 5+ hours a day writing, and these tools have really come in handy.

Hey, I’m Branda! I’m a copywriter and content strategist for female entrepreneurs who want personality-packed, nurture focused copy. Let’s make your copy something people want to read.


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I’m currently accepting new clients for email marketing and website copy.


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